12th Grade Writing An Argumentative Essay Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Writing an argumentative essay

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to write a four-paragraph argumentative essay about an academic topic.


  • Templates for the structure of the argumentative essay
  • Sample essays for reference
  • Writing materials (pen or pencil, paper)


  • Ask students to share their understanding of what an argument is and what an argumentative essay is.
  • Write their answers on the board.
  • Discuss the different elements that make up an argument (claim, reasons, evidence, rebuttal) and how they are used in an argumentative essay.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic for the essay and give students a few minutes to brainstorm ideas and jot them down on the brainstorming sheet.
  • Explain the four-paragraph structure of an argumentative essay and show students an example of a completed essay that follows this structure.
  • Discuss the purpose of each paragraph in an argumentative essay:
  • Introduction: introduces the topic and presents a position on it
  • Body: presents supporting evidence and reasons to support the main claim
  • Conclusion: summarizes the main points and reinforces the author's position
  • Distribute the handout with the guidelines for writing each paragraph.
  • Review the guidelines and make sure students understand them.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a few minutes to brainstorm ideas and jot them down on the brainstorming sheet.
  • Bring students back together and review the brainstorming sheet together.
  • Have students work in small groups to organize their ideas into a four-paragraph essay following the guidelines.
  • Allow time for students to check their work with a peer review.
  • Have students present their essays to the class for feedback and encouragement.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students work on writing their argumentative essays.
  • Encourage students to use the rubric to check their work and ensure that all four paragraphs are present and cohesive.
  • Provide support and assistance as needed.


  • Have students share their argumentative essays with the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on their own writing process and how they used the rubric to check their work.


  • Collect the argumentative essays and use the rubric to evaluate students' writing skills.
  • Use a verbal or written feedback to provide students with feedback and suggestions for improvement.

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