Task-Based Learning Method Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Students

Topic: Task-Based learning method

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand how to use the task-based learning method in teaching
  • To be able to apply the task-based learning method in a real-life teaching situation


  • Example tasks for the class to complete
  • Examples of completed tasks from previous classes


  • Have the class brainstorm a list of tasks that they typically perform in their daily lives. Write these tasks on the board.
  • Ask the class to think of a task that they would like to learn how to do, and write this task on the board as well.
  • Review the tasks on the board and discuss how some of them can be turned into learning opportunities for the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain the concept of task-based learning and how it can be used to engage students in learning.
  • Discuss the importance of choosing the right tasks for the class to learn. These should be tasks that are relevant and meaningful to the students, and will provide opportunities for them to apply their learning in real-life situations.
  • Introduce some task-based teaching strategies, such as brainstorming tasks, creating task lists, and using task cards.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to brainstorm a list of tasks related to a specific topic or subject area.
  • Have students work in small groups to create a task list for a certain task-based project.
  • Have students work individually to create a task card with key terms or concepts related to a specific topic.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a task-based project individually or in small groups.
  • Have students use the task cards to review key terms or concepts related to a specific topic.


  • Have students share their completed task-based projects with the class.
  • Have students reflect on the process of completing the project and what they learned from the experience.


  • Evaluate student completed task-based projects for understanding of the topic and ability to apply the knowledge in a real-world context.

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