12th Grade Spatial Computing Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Spatial Computing

Objectives & Outcomes:

  • Students will understand what spatial computing is and how it will impact the future of technology.


  • Computer or laptop with a screen projector
  • Handouts with information about spatial computing
  • Example videos or images of spatial computing technology


  • Ask students what they know about virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
  • Discuss their experiences with VR or AR and what they like or don't like about it.
  • Ask students what they think might be possible with spatial computing. What new experiences might be possible?

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of spatial computing and how it's the next step beyond VR and AR.
  • Show students some examples of spatial computing, such as Google Earth or Google Maps.
  • Discuss the potential applications of spatial computing and how it could be used in various fields, such as education, business, and healthcare.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to apply what they've learned about spatial computing to create a scenario in which they're using the technology to solve a problem.
  • Start with a basic problem, such as finding a nearby restaurant or locating a specific building, and have students work together to come up with a solution using the tools provided by the software.
  • Have students present their solutions to the class and discuss the thought process behind their choices.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in small groups to create their own spatial computing projects.
  • Students can choose any topic for their project, such as using spatial computing to plan a vacation or designing a virtual reality home remodeling tool.
  • Have students create a detailed plan for their project and present it to the class.


  • Review the key points of the lesson and have students share what they learned about spatial computing.
  • Ask students to think about how they might use spatial computing in the future and how it will impact their lives.


  • Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions and group activities, as well as the quality of their independent project.
  • A written quiz could also be given to assess students' understanding of the key concepts of spatial computing.

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