Simple Sentence

Topic: simple sentence

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to define simple sentence and identify its characteristics.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Examples of simple sentences (provided by the teacher)


  • Have students raise their hand if they can name an example of a simple sentence. Write their answers on the board.
  • Ask students if they can describe what a simple sentence is.

Direct Instruction

  • Define simple sentence as a sentence that contains one independent clause.
  • Explain that an independent clause is a sentence that can stand on its own as a complete thought. It has a subject and a verb, and it can't be separated into two or more separate sentences.
  • Examples of simple sentences include:
  • I go to school.
  • The dog ran away.
  • She is my sister.
  • Have students work in pairs to come up with their own examples of simple sentences.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a worksheet with a few sentences written out, either in English or in the students' native language.
  • Have them identify which sentences are simple sentences and which are not.
  • Check for understanding by having students explain their reasoning for each choice.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic they are interested in and write a short paragraph about it.
  • Have them label the paragraph as a simple sentence or a complex sentence.
  • Have them explain their reasoning for each choice.


  • Review the definitions of simple and complex sentences.
  • Have students share their paragraphs with the class and explain their choices for label -ing them as simple or complex.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure they are using correct label -ing and structure in their paragraphs.
  • Collect and assess their paragraphs for understanding of simple and complex sentences.

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