12th Grade Research Paper Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Research Writing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to write a research paper using technology tools, such as a digital lab notebook and a cloud storage service, to organize and manage their research materials.


  • Digital lab notebook app (e.g. Evernote, OneNote)
  • Cloud storage service (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive)

Warm Up

  • Students will get into small groups and brainstorm a list of questions related to the topic of their research paper. For example, if the topic is genetically modified foods, a few questions could be: "What are genetically modified foods?", "How are genetically modified foods made?", "Are genetically modified foods safe to eat?"
  • Each group will choose one question to research and write down the sources they will use to find the information (e.g. textbook, website, interview).

Direct Instruction

  • The teacher will introduce the topic of the research paper and go over the guidelines for writing a research paper (e.g. citations, formatting, etc.).
  • The teacher will demonstrate how to use the chosen technology tools to research and find sources for the research paper.

Guided Practice

  • The teacher will provide students with a sample topic and have them research and find sources for the research paper using the technology tools.
  • The teacher will walk around the classroom and assist students as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Students will independently complete their research papers, using the technology tools and sources they found during guided practice.


  • Students will present their completed research papers to the class, demonstrating their ability to conduct research and synthesize information into a coherent and well-supported argument.Materials:
  • Computers with Internet access for guided practice and independent practice.
  • Paper and pencils for independent practice.
  • Assessment:
  • Research paper assignment
  • Closure:
  • Presentation of research papers
  • Discussions about the importance of using technology for research and the challenges and benefits of doing so
  • Review of key points and concepts learned during the lesson


  • Class participation
  • Completion of guided and independent practice
  • Accuracy and effectiveness of research and use of technology in the research paper.

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