
Topic: Punctuation

Content:In this lesson, students will learn the difference between capital letters, periods, and question marks and how they are used in sentences.

    ©2017 The New York Institute of Education

      Objectives & Outcomes

      • Students will be able to identify the different types of punctuation (capital letters, periods, and question marks).
      • Students will be able to use capital letters, periods, and question marks in sentences correctly.


      • Pencils
      • Paper
      • Examples of sentences with capital letters, periods, and question marks (can be printed from internet or created by the teacher)


      • Start the lesson by asking students to raise their hand if they know what punctuation is and what it is used for.
      • Ask a few students to share their ideas about punctuation.
      • Then, write the following sentence on the board: "My cat is lazy" and ask students what needs to be added to make the sentence complete.
      • Show students the different types of punctuation (capital letters, periods, and question marks) and ask them to give an example of each.

      Direct Instruction

      • Review the purpose of punctuation, which is to help readers understand the meaning of a sentence and to help them keep track of what is being said.
      • Explain that capital letters are used to start a sentence and to show the beginning of a proper name.
      • Explain that periods are used to end a sentence and to show a pause in the thought being expressed.
      • Explain that question marks are used to show that the sentence is a question.
      • Explain the rules for using capital letters, periods, and question marks in different situations, using the handouts as a guide.

      Guided Practice

      • Have the students work in pairs and give each pair a set of sentences with incorrect punctuation.
      • Have the pairs correct the punctuation using the rules that have been discussed.
      • Have the students read their corrected sentences aloud to check for accuracy.

      Independent Practice:

      • Have the students work in small groups to create a short story or a play.
      • Have the students use correct punctuation in their stories and plays to show the appropriate use of capital letters, periods, and question marks.
      • Have the groups present their stories or plays to the class.


      • Review the importance of using capital letters, periods, and question marks in sentences.
      • Ask the students to share any new insights they gained about the proper use of punctuation.


      • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their understanding of proper punctuation.
      • Collect and review the students' booklets to assess their ability to effectively punctuate their own sentences.

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