Proper And Abstract Nouns Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Students

Topic: Purposes of Writing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and classify different types of nouns (common, proper, abstract) in written language.


  • Handout with examples of each type of noun
  • Pen or pencil for each student


  • Ask students to name some nouns they know, e.g. dog, tree, school.
  • Ask them to classify the nouns into common, proper, or abstract based on what they know.

Direct Instruction

  • Define proper noun as a noun that refers to a specific person, place, or thing.
  • Provide examples of proper nouns, e.g. Lily, London, Disneyland.
  • Define abstract noun as a noun that refers to an idea or concept rather than a specific person, place, or thing.
  • Provide examples of abstract nouns, e.g. love, happiness, courage.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students complete a worksheet with examples of both proper and abstract nouns. This can include a sentence for each noun that includes a capital letter and a period.
  • Go over the answers as a class and provide additional assistance as needed.

Independent Practice:

  • Have students create a class dictionary, where they choose a noun and create a definition for it. They should use proper nouns and abstract nouns to illustrate their definition.
  • Students should present their dictionaries to the class, and each student should explain their definition and why they chose the noun they did.


  • Review the different types of nouns and the definitions provided.
  • Ask students to share something they learned about nouns with the class.


  • Observe students during the presentation and discussion activities to assess their understanding of proper and abstract nouns.
  • Collect and grade the papers that students wrote as a written assessment of their understanding of proper and abstract nouns.

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