1st Grade Present Tense Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Present tense

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the present tense in English and understand how to use it.


  • Flashcards with verbs in both present tense and past tense
  • Pictures of actions that can be acted out to demonstrate the present tense (e.g. running, eating, dancing, etc.)


  • Review the past tense with the students. Ask them to recall what happened in the past and give examples of different actions that take place in the past (e.g. went to the beach, ate lunch, played with friends, etc.).
  • Then, introduce the present tense and ask the students to give examples of actions that take place in the present.

Direct Instruction

  • Write the present tense on the board and explain that this is the tense that we use to talk about actions that are happening now or that are ongoing.
  • Provide more examples of the present tense, such as "I play," "you play," "he plays," "she plays," etc.
  • Model how to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense, and then have the students practice conjugating verbs in the present tense as well. Use a verb wheel or flashcards to help with this.

Guided Practice

  • Give the students a few more examples of regular verbs in the present tense and have them conjugate the verbs on their own.
  • Walk around the class and check for understanding as the students work.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a short skit or dialogue using regular verbs in the present tense. They can use the objects provided to set the scene and should try to use their verbs in context.
  • Encourage the students to use their voices and gestures to act out their skit or dialogue.
  • Allow the students to present their skits or dialogues to the class.


  • Review the key points of the lesson, including the formation of regular verbs in the present tense and how to use them in context.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they learned about using the present tense in English.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their understanding of using the present tense in English.
  • Collect the students' written work and review it to assess their ability to use regular verbs in the present tense in a written context.

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