12th Grade Prepositions And Useful Adjectives For Talking About Work Lesson Plan Example (English)

Topic: This lesson is about prepositions and useful adjectives for talking about commuting to work.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand and use prepositions to talk about places related to commuting to work, e.g. "on the way to work," "at work," "on the way home from work."
  • Students will be able to use useful adjectives to describe features of their workplace, e.g. "modern," "clean," "crowded."
  • Students will be able to write a text about their daily activities at work and their workplace.


  • Worksheets with prepositions and useful adjectives
  • Pencils and erasers
  • Textwriting sheets with a heading "My daily activities at work and my workplace"


  • Review the simple present tense with adverbs of frequency (usually/often/sometimes/never). Ask students to share examples of activities they usually do at work. Write the following sentences on the board:
  • I usually eat breakfast at work.
  • I often have lunch with my colleagues at work.
  • I sometimes go for a walk at lunchtime at work.
  • I never take long lunch breaks at work.
  • Ask students to put the verb in the simple present tense and write the adverb of frequency in front of it.
  • Ask students to share their answers with a partner and correct any mistakes.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the prepositions for talking about commuting to work. Ask students to share examples of these prepositions in sentences. Write the following sentences on the board:
  • I usually take the bus to work.
  • I often take the subway to work.
  • I sometimes take the train to work.
  • I never drive to work.
  • Ask students to put the prepositions in the correct places and write the sentences on the board.
  • Next, introduce the useful adjectives for talking about work. Ask students to share their own examples of these adjectives in sentences. Write the following sentences on the board:
  • My workplace is busy.
  • My workplace is hectic.
  • My workplace is stressful.
  • My workplace is busy but organized.
  • My workplace is hectic but fun.
  • My workplace is stressful but rewarding.
  • Ask students to put the adjectives in the correct places and write the sentences on the board.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a worksheet with sentences about commuting to work and questions asking them to identify the prepositions and adjectives. Have them work in pairs to fill in the answers.
  • Next, give students a worksheet with sentences about their own workplaces and questions asking them to identify the prepositions and adjectives. Have them work in pairs to fill in the answers.

Independent Practice

  • Have students write a text about the activities they do at work and describing their workplace. They should use the prepositions and adjectives they learned in the lesson.


  • Have students share their texts with the class.
  • Discuss any problems they encountered and how they solved them.


  • Collect the written texts and use them to assess students' understanding of prepositions and useful adjectives for talking about work.
  • Use the class discussion and participation in group activities as informal assessment of students' understanding.

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