Prepositions And Prepositional Phrases Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Identifying prepositions and prepositional phrases

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the difference between prepositions and prepositional phrases.
  • Understand the functions of prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences.


  • Handout with definitions and examples of prepositions and prepositional phrases
  • Examples of sentences with prepositions and prepositional phrases highlighted
  • Pen or pencil for each student


  • Ask students to think of a familiar place that they visit often, such as their school or a park near their home.
  • Have them brainstorm a list of words or phrases that could describe the place, such as "on the hill" or "next to the pond."
  • Write the words or phrases on the board and ask students to brainstorm why each word or phrase could be used to describe the place.
  • Discuss the reasons for each word or phrase and how they could be used in a sentence.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the definitions of prepositions and prepositional phrases, noting that prepositions are words that indicate location or time and prepositional phrases are made up of a preposition and its dependent clause.
  • Give examples of prepositions and prepositional phrases and have students identify the prepositions and identify their functions in the sentences.
  • Discuss the functions of prepositions, including to indicate location, time, and manner.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a set of prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentence form.
  • Have students work in pairs to identify the prepositions and identify their functions in the sentences.
  • Have a class discussion about the examples and the functions of the prepositions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a worksheet or activity where they identify prepositions and identify their functions in sentences.
  • Have students complete the worksheet independently, and then have a class discussion about the examples and the functions of the prepositions.


  • Review the main points of the lesson, which are that prepositions are words that are used to show the relationship between other words in a sentence and that they typically come after the words they modify.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about prepositions today.


  • Observe students during the group and independent practice activities to ensure they are correctly identifying prepositions and prepositional phrases and using the correct prepositions in their sentences.
  • Collect and review the completed worksheets to assess students' understanding of prepositions and prepositional phrases.

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