Physical Activities Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the benefits of sport and physical activity and its importance in our lives
  • To be able to make an oral presentation on your chosen sport or physical activity to the class


  • Projector or whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with information about different sports and physical activities
  • Examples of sportswear or equipment for the chosen sport or physical activity
  • Copies of the presentation slides for the students


  • Have the students stretch their bodies and do some light exercise like walking in a circle, to get their bodies and minds ready for the lesson.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of physical activities and their benefits.
  • Provide examples of different types of physical activities, such as sports, dance, and fitness training.
  • Discuss the benefits of physical activities, such as improving physical health, mental well-being, and social skills.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a list of different types of physical activities.
  • Ask the groups to discuss the benefits of each activity and make a list on the chalkboard or dry-erase board.
  • As a class, discuss the benefits of each activity and explain why each activity is beneficial.

Independent Practice

  • Choose a physical activity that you are interested in and want to learn more about.
  • Research the physical activity and make a poster about the benefits of the activity.
  • Present your poster to the class.


  • Summarize the main points from your individual presentations.
  • Discuss the importance of physical activity in our daily lives and why it can benefit our overall health and well-being.


  • Observe the students during the group and individual presentations to assess their understanding of the benefits of physical activity.
  • Ask the students to reflect on their own physical activity and why they chose their sport or physical activity.

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