Money Matters Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Students

Topic: money matters in the consuming society

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the importance of money and its role in the consuming society.


  • Money
  • Various items that can be purchased with money (e.g. food, clothes, electronics, etc.)
  • Handout with questions related to the topic


  • Ask students if they are familiar with the term "consuming society." Explain that a consuming society is a society in which the majority of its members are focused on acquiring material goods and satisfying their basic needs through consumption. Ask the students to give examples of societies in which this is the case.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that in a consuming society, money plays an important role in determining what people can and cannot afford to buy. Ask students to name some of the things that are considered essential to live a healthy and comfortable life. Write their responses on the board.
  • Ask students if they have ever felt a sense of disappointment, frustration, or even guilt when they are unable to afford something they want. Encourage them to share their personal experiences with the class.
  • Next, introduce the term "consumerism" and explain that it refers to the process of consumers buying and using goods or services. Ask students to give examples of things they have bought recently and discuss the reasons behind their purchases.
  • Discuss the role of advertising in shaping consumers' desires and influencing their buying decisions. Provide examples of different types of advertising (e.g. television commercials, billboards, social media) and have students share their experiences with these forms of advertising.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a stack of advertising materials (e.g. magazines, television commercials).
  • Ask each group to identify the products being advertised and discuss the ways in which the products are being presented to promote a particular lifestyle or ideal.
  • Have each group present their findings to the class and discuss any common themes or messages they noticed.

Independent Practice

  • Ask students to think about their own spending habits and the ways in which their purchasing decisions are influenced by advertising.
  • Have students create a collage or poster using advertising materials (e.g. magazines, television commercials) to illustrate the messages they receive about spending and the things they want to buy.
  • Students can then present their collages or posters to the class and discuss the messages they are receiving about spending and the things they want to buy.


  • Review the importance of thinking about money and spending in order to make informed decisions and avoid debt.
  • Ask students to share any insights or thoughts they had during the lesson on money matters in the consuming society.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to check for understanding.
  • Have students complete a quiz or written test on the concepts covered in the lesson.

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