Listening Comprehension Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: General information-specific details-conversation

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the general information and the specific details in a conversation.
  • To be able to identify and understand the main points in a conversation.
  • To be able to follow and participate in a conversation.


  • Audio /video (formal & informal): introduction to classmates
  • Telephone conversation: voicemail & messages
  • Listening and filling a form: listens to voicemail and messages and fills a form
  • Text materials: transcriptions of the audio-video or telephone conversation


  • In pairs, students are given a short text about a common topic ( for example, 'How to make a pizza') and have to discuss and reach a consensus about the main points.

Direct Instruction

  • The teacher introduces the concept of listening comprehension and the importance of listening in a variety of contexts.
  • The teacher provides examples of different types of listening tasks, such as listening for general information, specific details and conversation.
  • The teacher models the different types of listening tasks, using the audio/video material.

Guided Practice

  • The teacher provides the audio/video material and asks the students to identify and describe the different types of listening tasks presented in the example.
  • The teacher provides guidance and support as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Students will complete a listening task of their own, which may be a similar or different task to the one presented in the example.
  • Students will complete the task independently, using the listening skills and strategies learned in class.
  • Students will record their answers and submit them for evaluation.


  • Students will share their solutions to the listening task with their peers.
  • They will discuss the different strategies and approaches they used to complete the task.
  • Students will reflect on what they have learned about listening and how they can apply these skills in their daily lives.


  • Students will be assessed on their ability to understand and recall the information presented in the conversation and the messages they received.
  • The quality and accuracy of the notes they take will also be considered in the assessment.
  • The participation in the group discussion and the reflection on the lesson will be taken into account.

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