12th Grade Key Themes In The Renegade By Shirley Jackson Lesson Plan

Topic: Key themes in The Renegade by Shirley Jackson

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and analyze the key themes in "The Renegade" by Shirley Jackson.


  • Copies of "The Renegade" for each student
  • Handout with key themes and quotes from the story


  • Ask students if they have read any of Shirley Jackson's work before and if so, which one(s).
  • Ask students to briefly share their experiences with the author and her literature.
  • Explain that today's lesson will be focused on analyzing the key themes in "The Renegade" by Shirley Jackson.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the key themes of "The Renegade" by Shirley Jackson, including isolation, manipulation, and the supernatural.
  • Provide examples and quotes from the text to support each theme.
  • Ask students to take notes on the themes and their significance in the story.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and assign each group a key theme from the story.
  • Have students read their assigned theme and discuss its significance in the story.
  • Have students come up with additional examples and quotes from the text to support their discussion.
  • Have students present their group's discussion to the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the key themes from the story and write a short essay on how it contributes to the overall message of the story.
  • Encourage students to use specific examples and quotes from the text to support their analysis.


  • As a class, review the key themes that were identified in the story and discuss how they contribute to the overall message of the story.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they learned about these key themes and how they relate to their own lives.


  • Use the independent practice essays to assess student understanding of the key themes and their ability to analyze the relevance of the themes to the message of the story.
  • Use a rubric to evaluate the essays based on the clarity of their analysis, the extent of their reflection, and the accuracy of their identification of the key themes.

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