Free 12th Grade Ielts Lesson Plan

Topic: IELTS Task 1 & Line Graphs

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Learn about line graphs and how to interpret them
  • Recognize and use relevant vocabulary to describe line graph trends and show transition
  • Write sentences using the vocabulary included


  • Introduction to line graphs handout
  • Chart paper or whiteboard and markers
  • Copies of the introduction to line graphs handout for each learner


  • Have learners draw a graph in chart paper or on the whiteboard, labeling the x-axis and y-axis and including at least 3 data points.
  • Ask learners to explain their graph, including what it shows and any trends they can see.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the vocabulary for line graphs, including terms like x-axis, y-axis, data point, and trend.
  • Demonstrate how to write sentences using the vocabulary for line graphs, including transition words and cohesion.
  • Model how to write a short essay using the vocabulary for line graphs.

Guided Practice

  • Have the learners write sentences using the vocabulary for line graphs.
  • Provide feedback and assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have the learners work on writing several sentences using the vocabulary for line graphs.
  • Encourage them to include more complex vocabulary and phrases, as well as coherence and cohesion.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and give some examples of how to use the line graph vocabulary in sentences.
  • Provide feedback to the learners on their writing and any areas they can improve on.


  • Test the learners on their understanding of the line graph vocabulary and their ability to use the vocabulary in sentences.
  • Evaluate the learners' writing based on the use of the line graph vocabulary and the overall quality of the writing.

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