12th Grade Final S Lesson Plan

Topic: Final "s"

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and pronounce the final "s" in words in a clear and consistent manner.


  • Pen and paper for each student
  • List of words with final "s" (e.g. "cat," "dog," "bat," "rat," "boss," "hiss," "piss," etc.)
  • Audio recording device (optional)


  • Ask students to say the words "cats," "dogs," and "bats" out loud.
  • Ask students if they can hear the "s" at the end of each word.
  • Ask students if they know how to pronounce the "s" at the end of words.
  • Write the words "cat," "dogs," and "bats" on the board, followed by the question "How do you pronounce the final 's' in these words?"

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that there are three different ways to pronounce the final "s" in a word.
  • Explain that the first way is to just say the "s" sound by itself, without any additional sound. This is known as the "s" alone pronunciation.
  • Give examples of words that have the "s" alone pronunciation, such as "cats," "dogs," and "bats."
  • Explain that the second way is to say the "s" sound and then add a vowel sound after it. This is known as the "es" pronunciation.
  • Give examples of words that have the "es" pronunciation, such as "caps," "scopes," and "tasks."
  • Explain that the third way is to say the "s" sound and then add a consonant sound after it. This is known as the "es" plus consonant pronunciation.
  • Give examples of words that have the "es" plus consonant pronunciation, such as "fans," "lases," and "saws."

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups.
  • Give each group a set of word cards with words that have the "s" alone, "es" plus vowel, and "es" plus consonant pronunciations.
  • Have students take turns reading the words out loud to their partner or group, and have them identify which of the three pronunciations each word has.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose five or six words from the word cards and write a sentence using each word.
  • Have them illustrate their sentence and include the three pronunciations for each word in their sentence.
  • Present their sentences to the class for review and discussion.


  • Review the three ways to pronounce the "s" at the end of a word.
  • Have students share one thing they learned about the final "s" today.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the three ways to pronounce the final "s".
  • Collect and grade the reports to assess students' ability to identify and explain the correct pronunciation of the final "s" in a word.

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