Free Digital Learning Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Students

Topic: Digital literacy

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and understand the different types of digital literacy and their associated skills.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with examples of digital literacy skills (e.g. internet safety, social media usage, tech-savviness)


  • Ask students to share what they know about digital literacy. Write their responses on the whiteboard.
  • Next, ask students to share any experiences they've had with digital literacy. Again, write their responses on the whiteboard.
  • Finally, ask students to share any obstacles they've faced due to a lack of digital literacy.

Direct Instruction

  • Define digital literacy. Explain that it refers to the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use digital tools and resources.
  • Introduce the concepts of critical thinking and research skills. Explain how these skills are essential for evaluating information found online and making informed decisions.
  • Demonstrate how to use a research tool, such as Google Search or a peer-reviewed article database. Show students how to identify credible sources and how to evaluate the accuracy of information found online.
  • Next, introduce the concept of online etiquette. Explain how to be respectful and considerate when using digital tools, including how to communicate effectively and safely online.
  • Finally, introduce the concept of digital safety. Explain how to protect personal information and avoid scams and fraud online.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to conduct a brief research project on a topic of their choice. Have them use the research tool of your choice and show them how to identify credible sources. Encourage them to use the critical thinking and research skills that they have learned.
  • Next, have students use a social media platform of your choice to communicate with a friend or family member. Have them discuss a planned activity and ask for advice on how to prepare. Encourage them to be respectful and considerate in their communication.
  • Finally, have students use a web browser to identify and avoid a fake or scam website. Have them practice their digital safety skills by identifying and avoiding these kinds of sites.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students create a short interactive digital lesson on a topic of their choice. This could be a -tutorial on a specific computer skill, a -demonstration of a useful website or app, or a -presentation on a topic of personal interest. Encourage them to be creative and think about how to present their lesson in a -compelling and engaging way.


  • To wrap up the lesson, have students share their interactive digital lessons with the class. This gives them the -opportunity to give feedback and practice their digital literacy skills.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of -digital literacy concepts. Conduct a short quiz or written assessment to gauge their understanding of the -concepts and their ability to create interactive digital lessons.

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