12th Grade Business Meeting Lesson Plan

Topic: how to start business meeting

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, you will be able to plan and run a productive business meeting.


  • agendas
  • minutes from previous meetings
  • whiteboard and markers
  • note cards and pens for participants


  • ask students to share their experiences with business meetings. What are some common mistakes that are made during these meetings?
  • ask students to brainstorm a list of items that should be included on an agenda for a business meeting.
  • review the list of items and discuss the importance of each item.

Direct Instruction

  • discuss the purpose of a business meeting, which is to discuss and make decisions related to business.
  • discuss the importance of having an agenda for a business meeting, which helps to ensure that all topics are covered and helps to keep the meeting on track.
  • discuss the proper etiquette for business meetings, including proper attire, how to introduce oneself, and how to address others.

Guided Practice

  • have students work in small groups to create an agenda for a fictional business meeting.
  • have each group present their agenda to the class and discuss the reasoning behind their choices.

Independent Practice

  • have students create an agenda for a real business meeting for their school or community.
  • have students present their agendas to the class and explain their choices.


  • have students reflect on the importance of having an agenda for a business meeting and how it can help keep the meeting focused and on track.
  • ask students to share any interesting or insightful observations they made about the process of creating an agenda.


  • observe students during the process of creating the agenda and provide feedback.
  • assess students' ability to create an agenda for the business meeting and their ability to present and lead the meeting.

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