Free 12th Grade A Raisin In The Sun Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: How The American Dream is portrayed in Lorraine Hansbury's "A Raisin in The Sun"

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to analyze the American Dream as it is portrayed in "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansbury.


  • Copies of "A Raisin in the Sun" for each student
  • Handouts with quotes from the text related to the American Dream
  • Pen or pencil for each student


Ask students to share their understanding of what the American Dream is. Write their answers on the board. After collecting several responses, discuss the common themes of the American Dream that are mentioned by the students.

Direct Instruction

Introduce the play "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansbury and explain that it is a classic American drama that deals with the themes of the American Dream.

Write the phrase "The American Dream" on the board and ask students to brainstorm ideas about what it means. As they share their ideas, write them down on a separate piece of paper.

  • Emphasize that the American Dream is not a single concept but rather a set of ideas and ideals that are unique to each individual.
  • Discuss the different ideas that were brainstormed and how they relate to the themes of the American Dream as portrayed in the play.
  • Ask students to read Act 1 of the play and identify how the characters' pursuit of the American Dream is portrayed in the play. As they read, encourage them to note any examples of how the characters' actions or words contradict their pursuit of the American Dream.

Guided Practice

Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific character from the play (such as Walter Lee, Lena, Ruth, Beneatha, and Asa).

  • Ask each group to reread Act 1 and discuss how their assigned character's pursuit of the American Dream is portrayed in the play.
  • Encourage them to pay attention to their character's actions and words and to identify any instances in which their character's actions or words contradict their pursuit of the American Dream.
  • Ask each group to share their findings with the rest of the class.

Independent Practice

Ask students to choose one of the characters from the play (such as Walter Lee, Lena, Ruth, Beneatha, or Asa) and create a visual representation of that character's pursuit of the American Dream (such as a diagram, a picture collage, a graphic organizer, etc.).

  • Encourage students to use specific quotes from the play to support their representation of the character's pursuit of the American Dream.
  • Ask students to present their representations to the class and explain the symbolism and/or messages behind their choices.


Ask students to reflect on the American Dream as portrayed in "A Raisin in the Sun" and how the concept of the American Dream has changed over time and across different cultures.

Ask students to consider how the concept of the American Dream may differ from one person to another and why this may be the case.


Evaluate students' participation in class discussions and group activities.

Use a grading rubric to assess students' written essays on the American Dream and their ability to reflect on and analyze the American Dream as portrayed in "A Raisin in the Sun".

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