Free Bonding, Bonding Agents, And Composite Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Students

Topic: Bonding, Bonding Agents, and Composite

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the purpose of different bonding agents and how they function in a bonding system.
  • Identify the characteristics of different composite materials and how they can be used in dental applications.


  • Sample bonding system kit (resin, filler, etching solution, etc.)
  • Composite materials samples (e.g. unidirectional, biphasic, tri-compound)
  • Handouts with information on bonding agents and composite materials


  • Show the class a slide of a bonded restoration and ask them to describe what they see in the bonding system.
  • Next, show a slide of a composite restoration and ask them to describe what they see in the restorative material.
  • Ask the class to discuss their observations and make any connections they can between the bonding system and the composite restoration.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of bonding systems and explain that they are used to join restorative materials to the tooth.
  • Discuss the purpose of each component of a bonding system and how they affect the bond.
  • Define the terms "bonding agent" and "composite."
  • Provide examples of each type of bonding system and how they are used in clinical practice.

Guided Practice

  • Have students complete the bonding system worksheet provided, which will review the components of a bonding system and their purpose.
  • As a class, discuss the answers and provide further explanation as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create a project that demonstrates the effect of a specific environment on a specific component of a bonding system. This could be a simulated weather test, a test to see how the component reacts to moisture, or a similar test.
  • Students will use the information they learned in the lesson to guide their project and should include a report on their findings and any observations or conclusions they made.


  • Review the importance of understanding the effects of different environments on bonding systems and the importance of testing to ensure proper performance.
  • Discuss any questions or observations students have about the material covered in the lesson.


  • Observer the student's ability to properly bond the material using the given bonding agent and composite in the independent practice activity.
  • Evaluate the composite bond strength and environment effects on the bond.
  • Administer a quiz or written assessment to assess understanding of the material covered in the lesson.

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