Models And Frameworks Of Corporate Social Responsibility Lesson Plan for 12th Grade Example Students

Topic: Models and Frameworks of Corporate Social Responsibility

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe and analyze different models and frameworks of corporate social responsibility (CSR).


  • Handouts with examples of different models and frameworks of CSR
  • Computer with internet access for research purposes


  • Ask students to brainstorm a list of companies that they are familiar with and consider their level of involvement in social issues.
  • Discuss the importance of corporate social responsibility and its role in promoting social change and addressing social issues.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of corporate social responsibility and explain that it is the responsibility of corporations to act in a socially responsible manner and make decisions that consider the impact on society and the environment.
  • Discuss the various models and frameworks that are used to guide the implementation of corporate social responsibility, such as the 3R model (reputation, responsibility, and results), the stakeholder model, and the triple bottom line.
  • Use examples to illustrate how these models and frameworks can be applied in practice, and discuss the strengths and limitations of each.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a case study describing a corporation that is making a conscientious effort to be socially responsible.
  • Have the groups analyze the case study and discuss how they would apply the models and frameworks discussed in the direct instruction portion to guide the corporation to act more responsibly.
  • Have each group share their analysis and findings with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a corporation that they are familiar with and that is making a conscious effort to be socially responsible.
  • Have students research and analyze the efforts made by the corporation to be socially responsible.
  • Have students create a presentation (e.g. powerpoint, Prezi) that describes the efforts made by the corporation to be socially responsible, the underlying motivations for those efforts, and how the corporation could be further improved in being socially responsible.


  • Have students share their presentations with the class.
  • Review the different models and frameworks of corporate social responsibility and discuss how they were applied in the presentations.


  • Observe students during the independent practice, looking for evidence of student understanding of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and the models and frameworks of corporate social responsibility.
  • Evaluate the quality of students' presentations, looking for evidence of understanding and ability to apply the models and frameworks of corporate social responsibility in a real-world context.

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