12th Grade Digital Marketing And Social Media Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Digital Media and Marketing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the growth and benefits of digital communication for businesses
  • To understand how digital media can be used as part of the marketing mix to promote products and services
  • To understand how consumer-generated marketing and digital media (e.g. social networks, blogs and wikis, media sharing, mobile marketing, applications) can be used to gather information about consumers and their needs
  • To understand how online monitoring and analytics can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of digital media campaigns
  • To understand the ethical and legal issues related to digital marketing and digital media
  • To understand how digital media can be used to learn about consumers


  • Laptops or computers with internet access
  • Access to digital media (e.g. social media, blogs, wikis, media sharing, mobile marketing, applications)
  • Handouts or slides on digital media and its uses in business and marketing
  • Reference materials on ethical and legal issues related to digital marketing and digital media
  • Calculator


  • Ask students to share any experiences they may have had with digital media (e.g. social media, blogs, wikis, media sharing, mobile marketing, applications). What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of using these forms of communication?
  • Ask students to brainstorm a list of questions they have about digital media and its uses in business and marketing.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of digital marketing and social media, and explain how it can be used to grow a business and reach consumers.
  • Discuss the role of digital media in the marketing mix and its impact on the marketing decision-making process.
  • Explain the consumer-generated marketing and digital media, including social networks, blogs and wikis, media sharing, mobile marketing, and applications.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a scenario in which they are marketing a product or service.
  • Ask the groups to discuss how they would use digital media to market their product or service, and how they would track and measure their marketing efforts.
  • Have each group present their ideas to the class and discuss as a group.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a project that requires them to use digital media to market a product or service.
  • Ask them to create a digital marketing plan that includes specific tactics and strategies, as well as a tracking and measurement plan.
  • Allow students to work independently and present their plans to the class.


  • Review the key takeaways from the lesson, including the importance of digital media in marketing, the various types of digital media, and the challenges and opportunities associated with digital marketing.
  • Ask students to share any insights or thoughts they had during the course of the lesson.


  • Assess students' understanding of the concepts through a written or oral quiz.
  • Assess students' ability to apply the concepts through a written or oral presentation on a marketing campaign or a marketing plan.
  • Evaluate students' understanding of the challenges and opportunities of digital marketing through observation of their participation in class discussions and group activities.

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