Free 12th Grade Career Development Lesson Plan

Topic: Career development

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and describe the different stages of career development and the different factors that influence them.


  • Handout with a diagram of the stages of career development
  • Examples of different factors that can influence career development (e.g. economy, family, personal interests and skills)


  • Have students get into small groups and discuss what they think the different stages of career development are. Ask them to provide examples of what they think each stage might involve.
  • After a few minutes, have each group share their ideas with the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Distribute the handout with the stages of career development and go over each stage, explaining what it involves and providing examples.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding your strengths and interests, as well as researching different career options, in the process of developing a career plan.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to research a specific career option and create a presentation on it, including what they like about the career and how they think they would be successful in it.
  • Have each group present their career option to the class and offer feedback.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a career option that they are interested in and research it further.
  • Have students create a 5-10-page career development plan for this career, which includes a goals and objectives section, a self-assessment section, and a plan for achieving their goals and objectives.
  • Have students present their career development plans to the class.


  • Review the stages of career development and the key principles outlined in the lesson.
  • Have students share their thoughts on their own career development plans and discuss any challenges or successes they experienced during the independent practice portion of the lesson.


  • Observe students during the group presentations and give feedback on their understanding of the stages of career development and their ability to apply the principles in their own career development plans.

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