Free 12th Grade Mono Printing Lesson Plan (Art)

Topic: Mono printing a portrait

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to mono print a portrait using a toner transfer method.


  • Toner transfer paper
  • Toner transfer kit (includes toner, transfer paper, and gloves)
  • Portrait photos
  • Blank paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil


  • Students will begin the lesson by looking at sample portraits that have been mono printed. Ask them to describe what they observe about the portraits, such as the level of detail and the quality of the lines.
  • Next, have students look at the materials list and gather their own supplies. Ask them to explain their reasoning for choosing each item.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining the basic principles of mono printing, such as the importance of using a single color of ink and using a limited range of values.
  • Show students how to spread out their paper and prepare it for printing. Demonstrate how to properly load the inkjet printer and set up the colors.
  • Go over the printing process, including proper paper feeding and the use of the printing software.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to print a portrait using the techniques demonstrated in class. Give them specific guidance on how to set up the printing software and use the printing controls.

Independent Practice

  • Have students select a portrait to mono print and use the printing instructions and controls to complete the process on their own.


  • Have students share their mono printed portraits with the class and discuss the process and the outcomes.


  • Observe students during the process and give them feedback.
  • Collect their printed portraits and assess their understanding of the process and their ability to create a successful mono printed portrait.

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