Free 12th Grade Histology Lesson Plan

Topic: Tissue structure and function

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the basic functions and structures of the four different types of tissue found in body.
  • Be able to compare and contrast how each of them work together as a whole in an organism.


  • Epithelial tissue
  • Connective tissue
  • Muscle tissue
  • Nervous tissue


  • Slide projector
  • Lung tissue slides (epithelial tissue)
  • Heart tissue slides (muscle tissue)
  • Frozen liver tissue slides (nectral tissue)
  • Microscopes
  • Handouts with diagrams and descriptions of the different tissues


  • Have the students draw a diagram of their own body, labeling the different organs and tissues they know are present. Then, have them discuss how each of the organs they listed function in their body (e.g. how the heart pumps blood, how the kidneys filter wastes, etc.).

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining that the body is made up of four different types of tissue: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. Each tissue has its own unique function and structure, and together they work to maintain the homeostasis of the body.
  • Begin by discussing the epithelial tissue, which forms the outermost layer of the body and acts as a protective barrier against the environment. Emphasize the importance of epithelial tissue in preventing infection and protecting against dehydration.
  • Next, move on to connective tissue, which is the most abundant type of tissue in the body and provides structural support and elasticity to organs and tissues. Emphasize the importance of connective tissue in providing structure and support to organs and tissues.
  • Continue by discussing muscle tissue, which is responsible for movement and contraction in the body. Emphasize the importance of muscle tissue in allowing for movement and function of the body.
  • Finally, discuss nervous tissue, which is responsible for sending and receiving signals throughout the body. Emphasize the importance of nervous tissue in relaying signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a handout that lists the functions and structures of each of the four types of tissue. Have students work in pairs to compare and contrast the functions and structures of each tissue.
  • Have students share their thoughts with the class and discuss any similarities or differences they noticed.

***End of Lesson***


  • Have students complete a self-evaluation quiz on the four types of tissue and their functions and structures.
  • Have students complete a practice quiz on the four types of tissue and their functions and structures.
  • Have students complete a short quiz on the four types of tissue and their functions and structures.
  • Assign a small project where students choose a specific type of tissue and research its functions and structures. Have students create a visual presentation (e.g. poster) to share their findings with the class.
  • Provide feedback on student projects and use the presentations as a tool for class discussion.


  • Guided Practice
  • Assessment
  • Resources
  • Reference

Muscle Tissue

  • Connective Tissue
  • Nervous Tissue
  • Epithelial Tissue

What is the difference between connective tissue, skeletal tissue and muscular tissue?

Connective tissue: provides support and shape to the body; found in connective tissue matrix

Skeletal tissue: provides support and shape to the body; found in bones and cartilage

Muscular tissue: provides movement to the body; found in muscles***Histology: Introduction to Tissues

Connective tissue

The main function of connective tissue is to connect, support and insulate different parts of the body. Connective tissue also helps to protect organs and contains blood and lymph vessels. There are three main types of connective tissue:

  • Whitespace

This type of connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. It provides a framework for organs and tissues to be attached to.

  • Collagenous

This type of connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. It provides a framework for organs and tissues to be attached to.

  • Elastic

This type of connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. It provides a framework for organs and tissues to be attached to.

  • Ligaments

These are tough bands of connective tissue that connect bones to other bones. They provide support and shape to the body.

  • Aponeuroses

These are tough layers of connective tissue that connect muscles to other muscles or to bones. They provide support and shape to the body.

  • Adipose

This type of connective tissue provides insulation. It is made up of fat cells and provides insulation for organs and tissues.

  • Cartilages

These are tough but flexible connective tissues that provide support and shape to the body. They are found in places such as the nose and ears.***Muscular Tissue

The main function of muscular tissue is to provide movement to the body. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons and create movement by contracting and relaxing. There are two main types of muscular tissue:

  • Skeletal

This type of muscular tissue is attached to bones and provides movement to the body.

  • Cardiac

This type of muscular tissue is found in the heart and provides movement to the body.***Nervous Tissue

The main function of nervous tissue is to transport messages to and from the brain and body. Nervous tissue is made up of a network of neurons that carry messages to and from the brain and body. There are two main types of nervous tissue:

  • Central

This type of nervous tissue is found in the brain and spinal cord and is responsible for carrying messages to and from the brain and body.

  • Peripheral

This type of nervous tissue is found in the nerves throughout the body and is responsible for carrying messages to and from the brain and body.***Epithelial Tissue

The main function of epithelial tissue is to protect and secrete fluid. Epithelial

tissue is made up of one or more layers of cells that form a protective barrier for organs and tissues. There are two main types of epithelial tissue:

  • Simple

This type of epithelial tissue is found on the outside of the body. It protects the body from infection and damage.

  • Simple

This type of epithelial tissue is found on the inside of the body. It protects the body from infection and damage.***Connective Tissue

The main function of connective tissue is to connect, support and insulate different parts of the body. Connective tissue also helps to protect organs and contains blood and lymph vessels. There are three main types of connective tissue:

  • Whitespace

This type of connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. It provides a framework for organs and tissues to be attached to.

  • Collagenous

This type of connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. It provides a framework for organs and tissues to be attached to.

  • Elastic

This type of connective tissue provides support and shape to the body. It provides a framework for organs and tissues to be attached to.

  • Ligaments

These are tough bands of connective tissue that connect bones to other bones. They provide support and shape to the body.

  • Aponeuroses

These are tough layers of connective tissue that connect muscles to other muscles or to bones. They provide support and shape to the body.

  • Adipose

This type of connective tissue provides insulation. It is made up of fat cells and provides insulation for organs and tissues.

  • Cartilages

These are tough but flexible connective tissues that provide support and shape to the body. They are found in places such as the nose and ears.***Skeletal Tissue

The main function of skeletal tissue is to provide support and shape to the body. Bones are made up of mostly bone marrow and bone cells. There are two main types of skeletal tissue:

  • bone

This type of skeletal tissue is found in bones and provides support and shape to the body.

  • cartilage

This type of skeletal tissue is found in places such as the nose and ears. It provides support and shape to the body.***Muscular Tissue

The main function of muscular tissue is to provide movement to the body. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons and create movement by contracting and relaxing. There are two main types of muscular tissue:

  • Skeletal

This type of muscular tissue is attached to bones and provides movement to the body.

  • Cardiac

This type of muscular tissue is found in the heart and provides movement to the body.***Endodermis

The main function of the endodermis is to protect the roots from disease and dehydration. The endodermis is made up of two layers of cells that

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