Wire Bending Lesson Plan for 11th Grade Example Students

Topic:Wire Bending

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Given a length of thin wire, a pair of pliers, and a guiding template (such as a printed outline of a face), students will be able to create a wire armature of a face.


  • Wire: thin, flexible wire, such as fishing wire or electrical wire
  • Pliers: wire cutters or manual wire strippers
  • Guiding template: a printed outline of a face
  • Wire cutters or manual wire strippers
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Ruler or measuring tape
  • Pencil or pen


  • To begin the lesson, have students stand in a circle and pass a piece of wire around the circle, one student at a time, twisting the wire as they go. When the wire returns to the first student, they continue twisting until a somewhat solid wire loop has formed. Then, have each student hold one end of the loop and pull until a long length of wire has formed.
  • Next, have students work in pairs to create a wire frame of a house. One student will hold one end of the wire and pull, while the other student guides the wire around a pencil to create the shape of the house.

Direct Instruction

  • After the warm-up activity, have students sit at their desks and work on the handouts with instructions on how to create a wire frame of a face.
  • Review the techniques for creating a wire armature, including:
  • Twisting the wire around itself to create a solid core
  • Using the wire to frame the features of the face, such as the ears, nose, and mouth
  • Covering the wire frame with clay or polymer clays to create the final sculpture

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and have them work together to create a wire armature of a face.
  • Provide guidance and assistance as needed

Independent Practice

  • Have each group present their wire armature to the class and explain their design choices and process.


  • Review the steps for creating a wire armature and discuss the importance of using wire in sculpting.
  • Ask the students to reflect on their own projects and what they learned about the process of wire bending.


  • Observe the students as they work on their independent projects and provide feedback on their wire bending skills.
  • Evaluate the final sculptures to assess the students' understanding of the process of creating a wire armature and their ability to apply the skills they learned.

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