Free Rockefeller And Carnegie Lesson Plan for 11th Grade Students

Topic: Comparing and Contrasting a Robber Baron and a Captain of Industry

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Compare and contrast a robber baron and a captain of industry, including their roles in American history, their influence on society, and their motives and methods.


  • Printed materials on robber barons and captains of industry (including bios and articles)
  • Computer with internet access for research


  • Ask students if they have ever heard of robber barons or captains of industry. Ask them to describe what these terms mean.
  • Show a brief video on a robber baron or captain of industry and discuss what is shown.

Direct Instruction

  • Define robber baron and captain of industry.
  • Provide examples of robber barons and captains of industry.
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between robber barons and captains of industry, including the historical context, business practices, and impact on society.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the characteristics of a robber baron and a captain of industry.
  • Have each group present their Venn diagram to the class and explain their comparisons and contrasts.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the figures they learned about in class (Rockefeller or Carnegie) and create a presentation on their chosen figure.
  • Students should include information on the person's background, accomplishments, and contributions, as well as any negative aspects of their legacy.
  • Have students present their presentations to the class.


  • Review the key terms and concepts covered in the lesson.
  • Have students summarize the main points of their assigned presentations.


  • Observe students during the group and independent activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Review and discuss their presentations to assess their ability to effectively communicate their research and analysis.

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