Torque Lesson Plan for 11th Grade Example Students

Topic: Torque

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the concept of torque and how it is related to the turning force produced by a rotational force (e.g. a lever).


  • Rods of different lengths
  • Clamps or clips
  • Metric rulers
  • Calculator
  • Drawing paper and pencils


  • Ask students to raise their hand if they have ever pushed or pulled on a door to open or close it. Ask them to explain their thinking behind the pushing or pulling motion.
  • Ask students if they have ever tried to open a stuck drawer by turning the handle in a circular motion. Ask them to explain their thinking behind the turning motion.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of torque and its importance in mechanical systems.
  • Define torque as the tendency of a force to cause a body to rotate about a fixed point.
  • Demonstrate how to calculate the torque on a given object using the formula:

Torque = Force x Distance from the axis of rotation

  • Using a meter stick and a weight, demonstrate how to calculate the torque on the meter stick.
  • Explain how the torque on a mechanical system can be calculated by summing up the torques on all the individual components.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to calculate the torque on a given object using the formula:

Torque = Force x Distance from the axis of rotation

  • Provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to design and build a simple mechanical system using a torque-producing device such as a pulley, lever, or wheel and axle.
  • Encourage students to be creative and think outside the box.
  • Have each group present their design to the class and explain how their mechanism achieves a desired effect.


  • Review the concept of torque and how it can be used to produce a desired mechanical effect.
  • Ask students to provide examples of how torque is used in real-world applications.
  • Discuss the importance of maintaining proper torque in mechanical systems.


  • Evaluate students' participation in group discussions and the quality of their posters.

Observe students while they are completing the mechanical systems quiz and provide feedback on their understanding of the concept of torque.

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