Free 11th Grade The Effects Of Climate Change On Aquaponics Systems Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: The Effects of Climate Change on Aquaponics Systems

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Explain how climate change affects aquaponics systems and their ability to produce food
  • Design a plan to adapt an existing aquaponics system to withstand the effects of climate change


  • Climate change projections for the area
  • Design specifications for an aquaponics system
  • Computer software for modeling climate change effects on a building


  • Ask students to brainstorm examples of how climate change has affected the area where they live.
  • Write their responses on the board.
  • Discuss the potential effects of climate change on aquaponics systems and their ability to produce food.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that aquaponics systems rely on the climate for several important factors, including temperature, rainfall, and sunlight.
  • Discuss how climate change can affect these factors and the potential impact on the operation of the system.
  • Use the handout to provide more detail on the potential effects of climate change on aquaponics systems.
  • Ask students to read through the handout and consider the potential effects of climate change on their own aquaponics system if it were outdoors.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to create a list of ways that they could mitigate the effects of climate change on their aquaponics system.
  • Go over the list as a class and discuss the different mitigation techniques that students came up with.
  • Explain the roles that water management, plant selection, and supplemental lighting play in mitigating the effects of climate change on the system.
  • Have students return to their own aquaponics systems and consider ways that they could implement the mitigation techniques that they learned about in the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students conduct their own research on the effects of climate change on aquaponics systems and create a presentation on the findings.
  • Students can present their findings to the class or submit their presentation for grading.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and discuss any new insights students may have gained on the topic.
  • Ask students to reflect on the importance of understanding the effects of climate change on aquaponics systems and how this knowledge can be applied in the real world.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and grade the presentations or written reports as a formal assessment of students' understanding of the material.

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