
Topic: Electricity and its common day uses

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the common day uses of electricity and explain the safety requirements associated with using electricity.


  • Pictures or real objects of common day uses of electricity (e.g. lights, oven, fan, refrigerator)
  • Handouts with safety requirements related to using electricity (e.g. don't walk on a cord, don't stick things into a outlet, don't play with or handle loose wires)
  • Whiteboard and markers


  • Students will be split into small groups and given a list of common day uses of electricity. They will have a few minutes to brainstorm and list as many as they can think of.
  • After the time is up, each group will share their list with the class and see if anyone else has thought of the same uses.

Direct Instruction

  • The teacher will display a list of common day uses of electricity on the board.
  • The teacher will then discuss the importance of electricity in our daily lives and the safety requirements that must be followed when using electricity.
  • The teacher will provide a brief demonstration of how electricity works and the different types of electricity, such as AC and DC.

Guided Practice

  • The teacher will demonstrate how to safely use a variety of common day uses of electricity, such as a toaster, blow dryer, and flashlight.
  • The teacher will have students work in pairs to practice using the common day uses of electricity safely.

Independent Practice

  • Students will work in small groups to create a poster or presentation on a common day use of electricity that they find interesting.
  • Students will include information on how to safely use their chosen common day use of electricity in their poster or presentation.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: the common day uses of electricity and the safety requirements for each.
  • Ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about electricity in the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of common day uses of electricity and safety requirements.
  • Collect and review their t-chart and infographic projects to assess their understanding of and ability to apply the concept of electrical safety.

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