Atoms And Molecules

Topic: Atoms and Molecules

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe the structure and behaviour of atoms and molecules, and explain the properties of different substances in terms of their atomic and molecular structure.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with information about the properties and structure of atoms and molecules
  • modelling materials such as balls and sticks or Lego shapes
  • Calculator


  • Introduce the concept of atoms, which are the basic building block of all matter. Explain that atoms are made up of smaller particles called protons, electrons and neutrons.
  • Ask students to think of examples of substances they are familiar with, such as water, rocks or air. Ask them to describe the properties of these substances, such as their texture, colour or smell. Encourage them to use adjectives to describe the substances.
  • Introduce the concept of molecules, which are made up of atoms bonded together. Ask students to think of examples of substances they are familiar with, such as water, sugar or air. Ask them to describe the properties of these substances, such as their texture, colour or smell. Encourage them to use adjectives to describe the substances.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the definitions of atoms and molecules with the students, using the handouts as a reference.
  • Discuss the relationships between atoms and molecules, and how they affect the properties of matter. For example, the structure of a molecule can affect its shape, size, and ability to dissolve in other substances.
  • Introduce the activity on identifying the elements in a given sample of matter (e.g. rocks, soil, food).

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs or small groups to identify the elements in a given sample of matter.
  • Have the students use the handouts and reference books as needed to help them identify the elements in the sample.
  • Have the students record their findings on a chart or worksheet.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in groups to create a poster or presentation on a specific element or element group.
  • Each group should research the properties and characteristics of their chosen element or element group and create a poster or presentation to share with the class.
  • Have the students present their posters or presentations to the class.


  • Review the main points of the lesson with the students.
  • Ask the students to summarize what they have learned about atoms and molecules.
  • Encourage the students to ask questions and share any remaining confusion.


  • Observe the students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concepts.
  • Collect and review the students' responses to the review questions to assess their ability to apply their knowledge.

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