11th Grade Fundamentos De Funciones Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Functions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of functions and their applications in daily life.
  • Be able to define and identify different types of functions.
  • Be able to solve problems using functions.


  • Handouts with examples of different types of functions (linear, quadratic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic)
  • Calculator
  • Pencils and paper for writing


  • Ask the students to list as many different types of functions as they can think of. Write their suggestions on the board.
  • Ask the students to brainstorm some applications of functions in daily life. Write their suggestions on the board.
  • Ask the students to share some examples of how they have used functions in the past (e.g. solving math problems in class, calculating interest on a loan, etc.).

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of functions as a way of mapping input values to output values.
  • Show examples of different types of functions, such as linear, quadratic, and exponential.
  • Discuss the characteristics and applications of each type of function.
  • Explain how to graph a function using a graphing calculator or by hand.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete a worksheet or activity that introduces and reviews the basics of functions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a problem set or exercise sheet that requires them to apply what they have learned about functions to solve a problem.

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Changing the Notation of a Function

  • Have students work in small groups to create a new notation for a function that has already been introduced in class. They should then present their notation to the class and explain the reasoning behind their choice.

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Piecewise Functions

  • Have students work in small groups to create a function that is defined by two or more separate functions. They should then present their function to the class and explain the reasoning behind their choice.
  • Ask students to think of real-world examples of piecewise functions and discuss their properties.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ader's Rectangular

Linear Functions

  • Have students work in small groups to create a linear function that is defined by two or more separate functions. They should then present their function to the class and explain the reasoning behind their choice.
  • Ask students to think of real-world examples of linear functions and discuss their properties.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-inch

Ask students to think of real-world examples of linear functions and


  • Generate a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional grid of discrete points and have students use a graphing utility or calculator to create a function that passes through as many points as possible. Have students explain the reasoning behind their choice of function, discuss the properties of the resulting function and compare their results to those of their peers.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-dimensional
  • Ask students to create a function that is defined by three or more separate functions and explain the reasoning behind their choice. Have students present their function to the class and discuss the properties of their function.
  • Ask students to think of real-world examples of multi-dimensional functions and discuss their properties.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-dimensional

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