Free Pbl Greetings In French Lesson Plan for 11th Grade Students

Topic: Greetings in French

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the basic greetings in French.


  • French-English dictionary
  • Flash cards with basic greetings in French
  • Pencils and paper for taking notes


  • Ask students if they are familiar with the basic greetings in French.
  • Have students share some of their favorite French words or phrases.
  • Review the basics of the French alphabet and pronunciation.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the basic greetings in French, including "bonjour," "au revoir," and "comment ça va?"
  • Demonstrate how to properly greet someone using these phrases, paying attention to pronunciation and proper grammar.
  • Review the proper uses of articles ("le," "la," and "les") in French nouns.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to practice greeting each other using French phrases.
  • Demonstrate how to properly use articles in French nouns by having students give feedback on each other's greetings.
  • Encourage students to use the phrases they have learned and to practice using the proper grammar and pronunciation.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on their own to practice greeting each other using French phrases.
  • Have students practice using articles in French nouns by providing examples and having them give feedback on each other's greetings.
  • Encourage students to experiment with the phrases and grammar they have learned, and to ask for clarification as needed.



  • A list of greetings in French (see attachment)
  • A whiteboard or chalkboard with markers, for the instructor's use
  • A set of flashcards for each group, containing greetings in French
  • A set of headphones for each group, so that they can hear the audio file for their greeting
  • A set of cards for each group, with the translation of their greeting in French
  • A short audio file of the greeting in French for each group
  • A list of vocabulary for each group, containing the words for their greeting in French
  • A stopwatch for the instructor
  • A list of greetings in French for the instructor to review with the class at the end
  • A set of headphones for the instructor, so that he can listen to the audio file for each greeting
  • A list of the greetings in French that the instructor will be using with the class, along with their English translations
  • A copy of the worksheet for each group, containing the translations of the greetings in French that they will be practicing
  • An audio recording of the lesson for the instructor to use, if desired
  • A timer or stopwatch for the instructor, to keep track of the amount of time that each group has to practice their greetings in French
  • A red card or cardstock for each group, to be used as penalty cards for incorrect answers
  • A list of penalties for incorrect answers, such as doing a penalty exercise or wearing a penalty hat
  • A list of the penalty exercises for the instructor to choose from
  • A list of penalty hats for the instructor to choose from
  • Art supplies for each group, for creating their own penalty cards and penalty hats
  • A list of vocabulary for the instructor to review with the class at the end of the lesson
  • A list of words for the instructor to use with the class during the lesson, to help with pronunciation and to give them something to listen for
  • A copy of the worksheet for the instructor, to use as a guide while teaching the material
  • A video recording of the lesson for the instructor to use, if desired
  • A list of the proper forms of the greetings in French for the instructor to review with the class at the end
  • A list of the proper forms of the greetings in French for the instructor to use with the class during the lesson
  • A copy of the worksheet for the instructor, to use as a guide while teaching the material
  • A list of questions that the instructor can ask the class during the lesson, to help them learn and review the material
  • A copy of the worksheet for the instructor, to use as a guide while teaching the material
  • A list of questions that the instructor can ask

the class during the lesson, to help them learn and review the material

  • A list of the proper forms

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