Free 11th Grade Family Ties Lesson Plan

Topic: Family Ties

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain the concept of family ties and how they shape our behavior.


  • Pen and paper for each student
  • Images of different types of families (optional)


  • Ask students to share what they know about family and what it means to them.
  • Write their answers on the board.
  • Ask students if they have any family members who have influenced their beliefs, values, or behavior.

Direct Instruction

  • Define family and explain its importance.
  • Discuss the different types of families, including single-parent families, adoptive families, and multi-generational families.
  • Explain the role of parenting and how it can influence a child's behavior.
  • Discuss the impact of culture on family and how it can shape values and beliefs.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete a family tree chart, including at least three generations of each family.
  • Have students discuss the characteristics and behaviors of each family member, including any notable achievements or traits.
  • Have students share their charts with the class and discuss any similarities or differences among the families.
  • Ask students to speculate on the factors that may have contributed to these similarities and differences.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one family from the activity and research their family history in more detail.
  • Have students create a poster or presentation illustrating their family's history and important members, as well as any notable achievements or traits.
  • Have students present their posters or presentations to the class.


  • Review the importance of family in our lives and the ways in which we can show our gratitude and appreciation for our families.
  • Ask students to share one way they plan to show their appreciation for their family.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and listen to their presentations to assess their understanding of the lesson.

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