Free 11th Grade Earth On Turtles Back Lesson Plan

Topic: Earth on Turtle's Back


  • Students will be able to understand the message behind the Chinese folktale "Earth on Turtle's Back" and its environmental message.


  • Copies of the folktale "Earth on Turtle's Back"
  • Handouts with text and images related to the environment
  • Colored pencils or markers


  • Ask students to share what they already know about the environment and environmental issues.
  • Write their responses on the board and discuss as a class.

Direct Instruction

  • Read the story "Earth on Turtles Back" to the class.
  • As you read, stop and ask students to identify the characters and their actions.
  • Ask students to consider what message the story is trying to convey about the environment and environmental issues.
  • After reading, invite students to share their thoughts on the story and its message.

Guided Practice

  • With students, discuss the environmental issues presented in the story, such as pollution and habitat loss.
  • Ask students to identify examples of these issues in their own communities and the ways they can be addressed.
  • Have students work in small groups to create a plan for a sustainable future in their community, including actions they can take and how they can encourage others to join them.

Independent Practice

  • Ask students to use the resources provided to research other environmental issues and find creative solutions to them.
  • Have students create a presentation to share their findings with the class.


  • Review the main points of the story and discuss the importance of caring for the environment and finding solutions to environmental issues.
  • Ask students to think about how they can take action to help protect the earth, and have them share their ideas with the class.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the story and their ability to reflect on and take action to protect the earth.
  • Collect and grade the posters or presentations created for the independent practice activity.

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