11th Grade Computer System Servicing Lesson Plan Example (Computer System Servicing)

Topic: Computer System Servicing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understanding the basic parts of the computer
  • Identifying the main functions of each part


  • Ask the students to raise their hands if they have used a computer before.
  • Ask the students to name the parts of the computer they are familiar with.
  • Ask the students to name the main functions of each part they mentioned.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that computers are made up of different parts, each of which has a specific function.
  • Show the students a diagram of the computer system and point out each of the main parts, explaining their function.
  • If available, demonstrate how to remove and install each part of the computer, including the CPU, RAM, hard drive, and power supply.

Guided Practice

  • Provide the students with a computer system that is disassembled and have them work in pairs to identify and install the various parts.
  • Walk around the classroom and assist students as needed.
  • Demonstrate how to properly install a CPU, RAM, hard drive, and power supply.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete a project-based assignment where they must disassemble and assemble a computer system on their own.
  • Encourage students to take notes and follow a step-by-step process to ensure that they properly install all of the components.


  • Have students share their experiences with disassembling and assembling a computer system.
  • Review the key points of the lesson, including the names and functions of the various components of a computer system.


  • Administer a quiz or written test to assess students' understanding of the key points of the lesson.
  • Collect and review the students' work to assess their ability to identify and name the various parts of a computer system and explain their functions.

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