Stacks And Queues

Topic: Stacks and Queues

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of a stack and a queue and be able to implement them using Python 3.10.


  • Computer with Python 3.10 installed
  • Text editor (such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text)
  • Basic understanding of loops and conditionals


  • Ask the students if they have heard of a stack and a queue before.
  • Ask the students to give examples of a stack and a queue.
  • Explain that a stack is a data structure used to store and retrieve data in Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order, while a queue is a data structure used to store and retrieve data in First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the students to the Python data structure functions list() and tuple(), which can be used to create a stack and a queue, respectively.
  • Show the students how to use the list() function to create a stack, and how to use the tuple() function to create a queue.
  • Explain how to use the push() and pop() functions to add and remove data from the stack, and how to use the insert() and remove() functions to add and remove data from the queue.
  • Demonstrate how to use the len() function to find the number of items in a stack or queue.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a stack and a queue using the list() and tuple() functions.
  • Show the students how to use the push() and pop() functions to add and remove data from their stacks and queues.
  • Demonstrate how to use the len() function to find the number of items in the stacks and queues created by the students.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students create a program that uses stacks and queues to manage a hypothetical grocery store.
  • The program should allow the user to enter the number of items they want to purchase, and then display a shopping list with the items organized into stacks and queues.
  • The program should also allow the user to check out, displaying the total cost of their purchase and giving the -option of adding more items to their shopping list.


  • Have the students share their programs with the class, discussing how they used stacks and queues to manage the -shopping list and checkout.
  • Review the key concepts from the lesson, including stacks, queues, priority lists, and using Python code to -manage these lists.


  • Observe and assess the students' classwork, looking for understanding of the key concept of stacks and queues and their ability to -use Python code to create and manage a priority list.
  • Evaluate the students' participation in class discussions and their ability to explain and demonstrate their programs.

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