Free 11th Grade Macroeconomics - The Level Of Overall Economic Activity Lesson Plan

Topic: Macroeconomics - The Level of Overall Economic Activity

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of economic activity and the circular flow of income model.
  • Be able to calculate GDP, GNP, and GNI.
  • Understand the business cycle and its impacts on economic activity.


  • Graph paper
  • Calculator
  • Pen or pencil


  • Have students write down their definition of economic activity.
  • Ask students to share their definitions and discuss their understanding of economic activity.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the circular flow of income model and explain how it represents the flow of income and spending in an economy.
  • Discuss the different measures of economic activity, including GDP, GNP, and GNI. Explain the differences between these measures and their uses.
  • Use the handouts to explain how to calculate GDP, GNP, and GNI.
  • Discuss the business cycle and how it relates to overall economic activity.

Guided Practice

  • Distribute the handouts with questions and examples to the students. Have them work in pairs to solve the problems and check their answers with the teacher.
  • After finishing the problems, discuss the solutions as a class and any questions that may arise.
  • Provide additional practice problems for the students to work on independently or in small groups.

Independent Practice

  • Assign a project-based independent practice to challenge the students. For example, have them calculate the GDP for a specific country or the GDP per capita for a specific state.
  • Encourage the students to use the resources provided by the teacher and internet to find additional information and complete the project.


  • Review the concepts and terms introduced in the lesson.
  • Ask the students to share their thoughts on the importance of understanding the level of overall economic activity and its implications in their own lives.


  • Evaluate the students' participation in class discussions and group work
  • Review their short answer responses
  • Review their independent practice project
  • Conduct a quiz to assess the students' understanding of the key terms and concepts introduced in the lesson (gDP, GNP, GNI, GDP per capita, GDP or GNP growth rates, etc.

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