Introduction To Photography

Topic: Introduction to Photography

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the history and basics of photography
  • Learn the role of different elements of composition in photography
  • Explore how to use light and shadow in photography
  • Practice taking photos with mobile phones


  • Mobile phones for each student
  • Optional: basic photography equipment (e.g. camera, lighting)


  • Have students sit in a circle and pass around a mobile phone, taking turns taking photos of each other. Have them pay attention to the composition of the photos (e.g. where the subject is in the frame, how the subject is positioned, how the subject is lit).
  • After everyone has had a chance to take photos, discuss the photos as a group. What do you notice about the composition of the photos? How were the subjects lit?

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of photography and its history. Discuss how photography has evolved over time and the different techniques used by different photographers.
  • Discuss the elements of composition. Explain the importance of having a clear subject, positioning the subject in the frame, and balancing elements in the frame (e.g. foreground and background elements, left and right sides of the frame).
  • Discuss the role of light and shadow in photography. Explain how to use light sources to your advantage and how to avoid unwanted shadows.
  • Demonstrate how to use the mobile phone camera to take different types of photos (e.g. portraits, landscapes, street scenes).

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups and give each group a set of instructions for taking different types of photos. For example, give one group instructions for taking a close-up portrait, another group instructions for taking a landscape photo, and a third group instructions for taking a street scene photo.
  • Have students use their mobile phones to take the types of photos described in the instructions. Have them share their photos with the class and discuss the different techniques they used to achieve the desired effect.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based independent practice activity. This could be something like creating a series of self-portraits that show different expressions, taking photos of objects in different lighting conditions, or taking a series of photos of a moving subject.
  • Encourage students to think about the different elements of composition and how they can use the tools on their mobile phones to take photos with a purpose and a specific effect.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and discuss any challenges or successes that students had during the independent practice activity.
  • Ask students to share any questions or thoughts they have about photography.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the different elements of composition, their use of light and shadow, and their use of mobile phones for photography.
  • Collect the students' completed projects and review them to assess their ability to effectively communicate their ideas through photography.

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