10th Grade Bullying And Cyber Bullying Lesson Plan

Topic: bullying and cyber bullying

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the effects of bullying and cyber bullying
  • To be able to identify and respond to cases of bullying and cyber bullying


  • Handout on the effects of bullying and cyber bullying
  • Examples of instances of bullying and cyber bullying
  • Handout with guidelines for responding to cases of bullying and cyber bullying


  • Ask students to share any personal experiences they have had with bullying or cyber bullying.
  • Discuss as a class the commonalities and differences between bullying and cyber bullying.

Direct Instruction

  • Define bullying and cyber bullying and give examples of each.
  • Discuss the impact of bullying and cyber bullying on victims, perpetrators, and bystanders.
  • Outline the steps that can be taken to prevent and address bullying and cyber bullying.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to discuss a recent example of bullying or cyber bullying that they have heard about or experienced.
  • Encourage them to think about the impact that the bullying or cyber bullying has had on the victim, perpetrator, and bystanders.
  • Have them present their discussion to the class and provide feedback and support.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a specific type of bullying or cyber bullying (e.g., verbal, physical, sexual) to research in more detail.
  • Have them prepare a presentation on their chosen topic, focusing on the impact that the bullying or cyber bullying has on the victim, perpetrator, and bystanders.


  • As a class, review the key points that were covered during the lesson.
  • Ask students to share any additional insights or observations that they had about bullying and cyber bullying.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and grade the presentations or presentations for completeness and accuracy.

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