10th Grade 3 Branches Of Government Lesson Plan Example

Topic: 3 Branches of Government

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the functions and roles of the 3 branches of government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial).


  • Examples of actions taken by each branch (e.g. president signing a bill into law, legislature passing a law, judge issuing a ruling)
  • Chart paper and markers


  • Ask students to briefly explain what they know about the 3 branches of government. Write their answers on the chart paper.
  • Explain that today we will learn more about the 3 branches of government and their responsibilities.

Direct Instruction

  • Distribute copies of the handout titled "3 Branches of Government."
  • Review the definitions and roles of the 3 branches of government as described on the handout.
  • Use the PowerPoint presentation to provide additional information on the 3 branches of government.
  • Ask students to raise their hands and answer questions as they arise.

Guided Practice

  • Distribute copies of the handout titled "Functions and Roles of the 3 Branches of Government."
  • Have students work in pairs to review the functions and roles of each branch of government as described on the handout.
  • Ask students to discuss their findings with their pairs and share with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete the activity titled "Which Branch of Government - Legislative, Executive, or Judicial - Deals with These Issues?" on the handout titled "Functions and Roles of the 3 Branches of Government."
  • Ask students to explain their responses to the activity to the class.


  • Have students summarize the main points of the lesson in their own words.
  • Review the functions and roles of the 3 branches of government, emphasizing the importance of each in preserving individual freedoms and maintaining a stable and fair society.


  • Assessment can be done through a quiz or test on the 3 branches of government, covering their powers and functions and the importance of each.

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