Free 10th Grade Control And Coordination Lesson Plan

Topic: Control and coordination

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate greater control and coordination during physical activities.


  • A variety of simple physical activities (e.g. jumping jacks, walking on tiptoes, toe touches)
  • A large space for performing the activities


  • Have students stand in a line and pass a basketball back and forth between each other, focusing on maintaining good hand-eye coordination and accurate passing.
  • Next, have students stand in a line and toss a football back and forth between each other, focusing on maintaining good hand-eye coordination and accurate throwing.
  • Finally, have students stand in a line and pass a bouncy ball back and forth between each other, focusing on maintaining good hand-eye coordination and accurate catching.
  • After each activity, ask students to reflect on their performance and think about any areas in which they could improve.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of control and coordination and explain that these skills are essential for sports and activities.
  • Discuss the importance of warm-ups and how they can help improve control and coordination.
  • Demonstrate proper technique for each activity (passing, throwing, catching), and explain how to focus on proper form and technique to improve control and coordination.
  • Emphasize the importance of practicing the activities with proper form and technique to improve control and coordination.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with the appropriate equipment (balls, bats, cones, etc.).
  • Have the students work together to complete the warm-up activities, with guidance from the teacher as needed.
  • Encourage the students to focus on proper form and technique while they are practicing.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work individually or in pairs to complete the remaining warm-up activities, practicing the skills that they have learned.
  • Encourage the students to focus on proper form and technique while they are practicing.


  • Have the students share their favorite parts of the lesson and what they learned.
  • Ask the students to share any challenges they experienced while practicing the skills and how they were able to overcome them.


  • Observe the students as they work on their independent practice activity and provide feedback on their control and coordination skills.
  • Collect the students' completed independent practice activity and use it to assess their understanding of the concept of control and coordination and their ability to apply it in a real-world setting.

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