Health And Well-Being

Topic: Health and Well-being

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the importance of having a healthy lifestyle and making healthy lifestyle choices.


  • Textbook or other reading materials on health and well-being
  • Handouts with healthy lifestyle tips and guidelines
  • Pencils and paper for students to take notes


  • To get students engaged and interested in the topic, ask them to share their own experiences and knowledge on health and well-being.
  • Ask them to share any personal struggles they may have had with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how they overcame these struggles.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of health and well-being and explain that it is an important part of our lives that we should all take seriously.
  • Explain that reading is an important skill that can be used to learn about and understand health and well-being.
  • Demonstrate how to use the selected texts to find and understand relevant information on the topic.
  • Explain the importance of talking about healthy habits and lifestyle choices with others and how this can help us make better decisions.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a text on health and well-being.
  • Ask the students to read the text and find specific information on a topic of their choice.
  • Have them share the information with the group and discuss any healthy habits or lifestyle choices they found.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a different text on health and well-being and ask them to read it independently.
  • Have them find specific information on a topic of their choice and write a short paragraph on it.
  • Encourage students to share their paragraphs with the class and have a discussion on the different topics covered.


  • Review the main points covered in the lesson and ask students to share one thing they have learned about health and well-being.
  • Ask students to think about one change they could make in their daily habits to improve their own health and well-being.


  • Observe students during independent practice and provide feedback on their presentations.
  • Administer a quiz to assess students' understanding of the concepts covered in the lesson.

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