10th Grade Cheerdance Lesson Plan Example (Physical Education)

Topic: Cheerdance

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate the basic hand movements and positions used in cheerdance.


  • Whiteboard and marker
  • Handout with Cheerdance basic hand movements and positions


  • Ask students if they have ever seen or done cheerdance.
  • Ask what the main focus of cheerdance is.
  • Discuss the importance of cheerdance in a cheerleading squad.
  • Ask students to share any experiences or knowledge they have with cheerdance.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of cheerdance and its basic hand movement and positions.
  • Show the students the basic hand movements and positions of cheerdance, including:
  • Up: Raising the hands above the head with palms facing up
  • Down: Bringing the hands down to the sides with palms facing down
  • Out: Open the hands and stretch them out to the sides
  • In: Bring the hands in towards the body, with palms facing inward
  • Ask students to watch and follow along as you demonstrate the basic hand movements and positions of cheerdance.
  • Emphasize the importance of coordination and synchronization in cheerdance.
  • Go over the basic cheers and chants that the students will need to know in order to perform cheerdance.
  • For example: "Cheer, cheer, for [insert team name here], [insert team name here] rules, [insert team name here] kicks [insert rival team name here]'s [insert body part here]!"

Guided Practice

  • Using a handout with illustrations and clear instructions, have students practice the basic hand movements and positions of cheerdance.
  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to practice the basic hand movements and positions of cheerdance.
  • Provide guidance and assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work independently or in small groups to create a short cheerdance routine.
  • Provide guidance and assistance as needed.


  • Have each group perform their cheerdance routine for the class.
  • Encourage feedback and discussion.
  • Review the key points of the lesson and remind students to practice their moves at home.


  • Observe students during the practice activity and take note of their understanding of the key points and the accuracy of their moves.
  • Administer a quiz on the key points of the lesson and the names and hand positions of the basic cheerdance moves.
  • Have students submit a video recording of their group's cheerdance routine for review and assessment.

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