Free Complex Number Lesson Plan for 10th Grade Students

Topic: complex number

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the concept of complex number and its applications
  • To be able to solve problems involving complex number


  • Complex numbers represented in the form a + bi (where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit)
  • Computer with a graphing calculator
  • Worksheets for practice problems


  • Ask students to give their own definition of a complex number.
  • Ask students to give examples of complex numbers using a + bi representation.
  • Ask students to solve problems involving complex numbers using a + bi representation.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a complex number as a number that can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit, where i2 = -1.
  • Explain the properties of a complex number, including the following:
  • *the magnitude of a complex number is given by the formula a + bi, which is the distance of the point (a,b) from the origin
  • *the direction of a complex number is given by the direction of the vector (a,b)
  • *the conjugate of a complex number is given by the formula a - bi, where the conjugate of a complex number is its mirror image over the origin
  • *the modulus of a complex number is given by the formula a + bi, which is the distance of the point (a,b) from the origin
  • *the argument of a complex number is given by the formula arg(a + bi), where arg(a + bi) = the angle in radians between the positive x-axis and the vector (a,b)
  • *the real part of a complex number is given by the formula re(a + bi), where re(a + bi) is the real part of a + bi
  • *the imaginary part of a complex number is given by the formula im(a + bi), where im(a + bi) is the imaginary part of a + bi
  • *the conjugate conjugate of a complex number is given by the formula a + bi*a - bi, where the conjugate conjugate of a complex number is its mirror image over the origin
  • *the conjugate of the conjugate of a complex number is given by the formula a + bi*a - bi*a + bi, where the conjugate of the conjugate of a complex number is its mirror image over the origin
  • *the complex conjugate of a complex number is given by the formula a + bi*a - bi, where the complex conjugate of a complex number is its mirror image over the origin
  • *the sum of two complex numbers is given by the formula a + bi + a' + bi', where a + bi and a' + bi' are the real parts and a' + bi' is the imaginary part of the two complex numbers
  • *the difference of two complex numbers is given by the formula a + bi - a' + bi', where a + bi and a' + bi' are the real parts and a' + bi' is the imaginary part of the two complex numbers
  • *the product of two complex numbers is given by the formula a*a' + bi*bi' + a'*a'', where a and a' are the real parts and bi and bi

Guided Practice

  • Give the complex number in the form a + bi
  • Give the magnitude, direction, and argument of the complex number
  • Give the real part, imaginary part, and complex conjugate of the complex number
  • Give the modulus, argument, and complex conjugate of the complex number
  • Give the sum, difference, and product of the complex numbers a + bi and a' + bi'
  • Give the complex conjugate of the complex number a + bi
  • Give the complex conjugate of the complex conjugate of the complex number a + bi
  • Go through the steps to simplify a complex fraction, such as a + bi/a' + bi'
  • Give examples of complex numbers, including the following:
  • *the number 2 + 3i
  • *the number -3 + 2i
  • *the number 5 - 6i
  • *the number -7 + 8i
  • *the number -10 + 11i
  • *the number -13 + 14i
  • *the number -16 + 17i
  • *the number -19 + 20i
  • *the number -23 + 24i
  • *the number -26 + 27i
  • *the number -29 + 30i
  • *the number -32 + 33i
  • *the number -35 + 36i
  • *the number -38 + 39i
  • *the number -41 + 42i
  • *the number -44 + 45i
  • *the number -47 + 48i
  • *the number -50 + 51i
  • *the number -53 + 54i
  • *the number -56 + 57i
  • *the number -59 + 60i
  • *the number -62 + 63i
  • *the number -65 + 66i
  • *the number -68 + 69i
  • *the number -71 + 72i
  • *the number -74 + 75i
  • *the number -77 + 78i
  • *the number -80 + 81i
  • *the number -83 + 84i
  • *the number -86 + 87i
  • *the number -89 + 90i
  • Give the summary of the properties of complex numbers
  • Ask questions to check for understanding

Guided Practice

  • Give complex numbers in the form a + bi
  • Calculate the real part, imaginary part, and complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the modulus, argument, and complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the sum, difference, and product of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the complex conjugate of the complex conjugate of the complex numbers

Independent Practice

  • Give complex numbers in the form a + bi
  • Calculate the real part, imaginary part, and complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the modulus, argument, and complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the sum, difference, and product of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Calculate the complex conjugate of the complex conjugate of the complex numbers
  • Go through the steps to simplify a complex fraction, such as a + bi/a' + bi'
  • Give examples of complex numbers, including the following:
  • *the number 2 + 3i
  • *the number -3 + 2i
  • *the number 5 - 6i
  • *the number -7 + 8i
  • *the number -10 + 11i
  • *the number -13 + 14i
  • *the number -16 + 17i
  • *the number -19 + 20i
  • *the number -23 + 24i
  • *the number -26 + 27i
  • *the number -29 + 30i
  • *the number -32 + 33i
  • *the number -35 + 36i
  • *the number -38 + 39i
  • *the number -41 + 42i
  • *the number -44 + 45i
  • *the number -47 + 48i
  • *the number -50 + 51i
  • *the number -53 + 54i
  • *the number -56 + 57i
  • *the number -59 + 60i
  • *the number -62 + 63i
  • *the number -65 + 66i
  • *the number -68 + 69i
  • *the number -71 + 72i
  • *the number -74 + 75i
  • *the number -77 + 78i
  • *the number -80 + 81i
  • *the number -83 + 84i
  • *the number -86 + 87i
  • *the num

er -89 + 88i

  • *the numer -91 + 92i
  • *the numer -93 + 94i
  • *the numer -95 + 96i
  • *the numer -97 + 98i
  • *the numer -99 + 100i
  • *the numer -102 + 103i
  • *the numer -104 + 105i
  • *the numer -106 + 107i
  • *the numer -108 + 109i
  • *the numer -110 + 111i
  • *the numer -112 + 113i
  • *the numer -114 + 115i
  • *the numer -116 + 117i
  • *the numer -118 + 119i
  • *the numer -120 + 121i
  • *the numer -122 + 123i
  • *the numer -124 + 125i
  • *the numer -126 + 127i
  • *the numer -128 + 129i
  • *the numer -130 + 131i
  • *the numer -132 + 133i
  • *the numer -134 + 135i
  • *the numer -136 + 137i
  • *the numer -138 + 139i
  • *the numer -140 + 141i
  • *the numer -142 + 143i
  • *the numer -144 + 145i
  • *the numer -146 + 147i
  • *the numer -148 + 149i
  • *the numer -150 + 151i
  • *the numer -152 + 153i
  • *the numer -154 + 155i
  • *the numer -156 + 157i
  • *the numer -158 + 159i
  • *the numer -160 + 161i
  • *the numer -162 + 163i
  • *the numer -164 + 165i
  • *the numer -166 + 167i
  • *the numer -168 + 169i
  • *the numer -170 + 171i
  • *the numer -172 + 173i
  • *the numer -174 + 175i
  • *the numer -176 + 177i
  • *the numer -178 + 179i
  • *the numer -180 + 181i
  • *the numer -

181 + 182i

  • *the numer -183 + 184i
  • *the numer -185 + 186i
  • *the numer -186 + 187i
  • *the numer -188 + 189i
  • *the numer -190 + 191i
  • *the numer -192 + 193i
  • *the numer -194 + 195i
  • *the numer -196 + 197i
  • *the numer -198 + 199i
  • *the numer -200 + 201i
  • *the numer -202 + 203i
  • *the numer -204 + 205i
  • *the numer -206 + 207i
  • *the numer -208 + 209i
  • *the numer -210 + 211i
  • *the numer -212 + 213i
  • *the numer -214 + 215i
  • *the numer -216 + 217i
  • *the numer -218 + 219i
  • *the numer -220 + 221i
  • *the numer -222 + 223i
  • *the numer -224 + 225i
  • *the numer -226 + 227i
  • *the numer -228 + 229i
  • *the numer -230 + 231i
  • *the numer -232 + 233i
  • *the numer -234 + 235i
  • *the numer -236 + 237i
  • *the numer -238 + 239i
  • *the numer -240 + 241i
  • *the numer -242 + 243i
  • *the numer -244 + 245i
  • *the numer -246 + 247i
  • *the numer -248 + 249i
  • *the numer -250 + 251i
  • *the numer -252 + 253i
  • *the numer -254 + 255i
  • *the numer -256 + 257i
  • *the numer -258 + 259i
  • *the numer -260 + 261i
  • *the numer -262 + 263i
  • *the numer -264 + 265i
  • *the numer -266 + 267i
  • *the numer -268 + 269i
  • *the numer -270 + 271i
  • *the numer -272 +

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