10th Grade World War II And Africa Lesson Plan Example (History)

Topic: The impact of WWII on Africa

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe the impact of WWII on Africa and its peoples.


  • Maps of Africa during and after WWII
  • Articles and images related to the impact of the war on Africa
  • Handouts with key facts and information about WWII and Africa


  • Ask students what they know about WWII. What countries were involved? What was the cause of the war? What was the outcome?
  • Ask students if they know how WWII affected Africa. What countries were involved? How did the war affect the people and the colonies in Africa?

Direct Instruction

  • Use the map of Africa to show students where the colonies were and what countries were involved in the war.
  • Discuss the causes of WWII, including the rise of fascism in Europe, the Treaty of Versailles, and the events that led up to the war, such as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
  • Explain the impact of WWII on Africa, including the colonial territories gained and lost, the effect on the economies, and the impact on the people.
  • Use the handouts and any additional materials to help provide more detail and context.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and have them work together to create a timeline of the events of WWII in Africa. Encourage them to use their knowledge of the causes and impact of the war to help them organize and fill in the timeline.
  • Have each group present their timeline to the class and discuss any additional details or insights they might have discovered.
  • If time allows, have students work in pairs or small groups to create a class presentation on a specific aspect of WWII in Africa, using the materials discussed and any additional research they may have done.

Independent Practice

  • For their project, have students choose a specific country or colonial territory in Africa and research the role it played in WWII. They can use the timeline they created in the guided practice as a starting point, but they should also explore additional sources such as textbooks, archives, and online resources.
  • Encourage students to be creative and think about how the war impacted their chosen country or territory in a unique way. For example, they might create a photo timeline of important events or write a short story about a local person who was affected by the war.
  • Once they have completed their project, have students present their work to the class.


  • As a class, review the key points of the lesson and discuss the importance of understanding the impact of WWII on Africa.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it relates to current events in Africa.


  • Administer a quiz or test covering the key points of the lesson and the information about the specific countries covered in the lesson. Use the closure activity as a form of assessment, evaluating students' understanding of the importance of understanding the impact of WWII on Africa.

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