Free 10th Grade People And Their History Lesson Plan

Topic: Spanish Civil war

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the causes and events of the Spanish Civil war (1936-1939).
  • To understand the impact of the war on Spanish society today.


  • Textbook or articles on the Spanish Civil war
  • Maps of Spain and the country's regions during the war
  • Handouts or worksheets on the main events and people of the war
  • Art materials (for the final project)


  • Ask the students to answer the following questions in pairs or small groups:
  • What do you know about the Spanish Civil war?
  • Do you know where it took place?
  • Can you name any of the countries that took part in it?
  • Who do you think were the main players in the war?
  • What do you think were the causes of the war?
  • What do you think were the consequences of the war?
  • After a few minutes, ask for volunteers to share their answers with the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the answers from the warm-up activity and make sure that the students understand the basic concepts and events related to the Spanish Civil war.
  • Introduce the three main parts of the project: the beginning of war, the front, and the postwar.
  • Provide background information and images/videos of each of the three main parts.
  • Discuss the main events and key figures of each part.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and provide them with additional resources (books, articles, etc.).
  • Ask the students to research one specific event/person from one of the three main parts and present it to the class.
  • Have the students work in pairs to create a mind map or a concept map of the topics discussed in the class.
  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.

Section 2

Direct Instruction

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a specific war memorial to research (such as the Valle de los Caídos, the Guernica Monument, etc.).
  • Provide the students with background information and images/videos of the war memorial they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students research the history and purpose of the war memorial they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students create a presentation to share their findings with the class.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a presentation on the history and purpose of the war memorial they have been assigned to.
  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.

Section 3

Direct Instruction

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a specific person to research (such as Dolores Ibárruri, Francisco Franco, etc.).
  • Provide the students with background information and images/videos of the person they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students research the history and key achievements of the person they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students create a presentation to share their findings with the class.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a presentation on the history and key achievements of the person they have been assigned to.
  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.


  • Have the students fill out a pre- and post-assessment questionnaire to gauge their understanding of the topic.
  • Assess the students' project presentations and have a panel of teachers and/or students evaluate them.
  • Give the students a quiz or a test on the content covered in the class.


  • Books: "Guerra y paz en España" by Paul Preston; "Guerra y revolución en España" by Antony Beevor; "Las víctimas de Franco" by Eduardo Galeano; "La historia de España en 50 personajes" by Javier Guillén.
  • Websites: "Valle de los Caídos"; "Memoria Histórica

"; "Historia de España"; "Guernica. Basílica de la Primavera"; "Francisco Franco"; "Dolores Ibárruri"; "Lluis Companys"; "La Batalla de Madrid".


  • A variety of art supplies (canvases, paints, etc.)
  • Projection equipment
  • Computer with internet access

Guided Practice

  • Ask the students to work in groups and create a mural depicting a significant event from the Spanish Civil War.
  • Provide the students with additional resources (books, articles, etc.) to help them with their project.
  • Have the students present their murals to the class and explain the significance of the event they have chosen to depict.
  • Have the students work in pairs to create a concept map or a mind map of the topics covered in the class.
  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.
  • Give the students a pre- and post-assessment questionnaire to gauge their understanding of the topic.

Section 2

Direct Instruction

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a specific war memorial to research (such as the Valle de los Caídos, the Guernica Monument, etc.).
  • Provide the students with background information and images/videos of the war memorial they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students research the history and purpose of the war memorial they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students create a presentation to share their findings with the class.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a presentation on the history and purpose of the war memorial they have been assigned to.
  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.

Section 3

Direct Instruction

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a specific person to research (such as Dolores Ibárruri, Francisco Franco, etc.).
  • Provide the students with background information and images/videos of the person they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students research the history and key achievements of the person they have been assigned to.
  • Have the students create a presentation to share their findings with the class.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a presentation on the history and key achievements of the person they have been assigned to.
  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.


  • Have the students work in groups to create a timeline of key events from the Spanish Civil War.
  • Ask the students to present their timelines to the

class and explain the significance of each event.

  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.


  • Review the key points covered in the class.
  • Ask the students to share their reflections on the Spanish Civil War and its impact in current Spanish society.
  • Ask the students to share any additional thoughts or insights they have about the topic.
  • Ask the students to share any challenges or difficulties they experienced during the project.
  • Ask the students for their feedback on the class and note any suggestions they may have for improvement.
  • Thank the students for their participation in the project and ask them to share any final thoughts.
  • Ask the students to share any additional resources they found useful for their project.
  • Thank the students and wrap up the class.


  • Assess the students' understanding of the topic by having them answer a series of questions about the content covered in the class.
  • Evaluate the students' presentations or skits based on their content, structure, and overall effectiveness.
  • Collect the students' written reflections on the Spanish Civil War and their lives as a form of assessment.
  • Consider having a small group or individual interview with each student to assess his or her understanding of the topic and gather feedback on the project.

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