Free 10th Grade Konsep Sejarah Di Dalam Manusia, Ruang Dan Waktu Lesson Plan

Topic: Konsep sejarah di dalam manusia, ruang dan waktu

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the concept of history in relation to humans, space and time.


  • Map of the world
  • Timeline of major historical events
  • Images of important historical figures (optional)


  • Ask students to think about the concept of history. What do they understand about it? What questions do they have?
  • Write their questions on the board and discuss as a class.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that the concept of history is the study of the past. It is the story of humankind, and it is made up of three components: human beings, space, and time.
  • Human beings are the actors in history. They are the people who make the decisions and actions that shape the course of history.
  • Space refers to the places where historical events take place. Different places have different characteristics and can shape the way events unfold.
  • Time refers to the order in which events happen in history. Events that happened earlier in time can influence or be influenced by events that happen later in time.
  • Use examples from world history to illustrate the concept of history. Ask students to contribute their own examples as well.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a set of historical documents.
  • Ask each group to analyze the documents and answer the following questions:
  • What are the main events described in the documents?
  • What are the main actors and agents described in the documents?
  • What are the characteristics of the spaces (locations) described in the documents?
  • What is the order of the events described in the documents?
  • Allow time for each group to share their answers with the class.

Independent Practice

  • For the independent practice activity, ask students to choose a specific period or event in history and research it in more detail.
  • Ask students to create a visual timeline of the events they have researched, using -either real objects or computer software.
  • Encourage students to use their understanding of the concepts of manusia, ruang and waktu to organize their timeline and present it to the class.


  • Review the key concepts of manusia, ruang and waktu as discussed in the lesson.
  • Ask students to share their thoughts on how these concepts are important for understanding and -understanding history.


  • Observe student participation during class discussion and group work
  • Review students' written reflections on their experience of visiting a historical site or watching a historical TV program.
  • Give students a quiz to assess their understanding of the concepts of manusia, ruang and waktu.

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