10th Grade Covid-19 Lesson Plan Example (Health)

Topic: Drugs used for treatment

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the different drugs used for the treatment of various diseases.


  • Chart with various drugs and their uses
  • Handouts with information on the different drugs


  • Ask the students if they have ever taken any medicines. Ask them to describe the drug and the ailment for which it was prescribed.
  • Ask the students if they know what drugs are and how they are used for treatment.
  • Show the chart with various drugs and their uses. Ask the students to identify the various drugs and their uses.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the various drugs and their uses as shown in the chart.
  • Discuss the various side effects of the drugs and their potential harm to the body.
  • Emphasize the importance of consulting a doctor before taking any medication.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work in pairs and take turns reading through the descriptions of the drugs and their uses.
  • Encourage them to ask questions and discuss any points of confusion.
  • Provide guidance as needed.

Independent Practice:

  • Have students choose one drug to research in more detail.
  • They should find out what the drug is used for, its side effects, and any precautions that should be taken.
  • They should also create a poster or presentation to share with the class, presenting their findings and any additional information they have discovered.


  • Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about the different drugs used for treatment of depression.
  • Ask them to share any additional insights or thoughts that come to mind.
  • Encourage them to continue learning about depression and its treatment, both in school and outside of class.


  • Observe students during the presentation and formative assessment activities to assess their understanding of the topic.
  • Collect and grade the presentation and formative assessment activities for completion and comprehension of the material.
  • Administer a quiz or test to assess students' knowledge of the different drugs used for treatment of depression.

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