Write A Short Summary Of Part One Of To Kill A Mockingbird Lesson Plan for 10th Grade Example Students

Topic: Write a short summary of Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a short summary of Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird that includes the main events and themes of the section.


  • Copies of To Kill a Mockingbird for each student
  • Handouts with quotes from Part One
  • Pencils and paper for writing


  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever read To Kill a Mockingbird before. Ask them to share their thoughts and any interesting parts of the story that they remember.
  • Next, tell students that today they will be learning how to write a short summary of a text, which can be useful for tests and exams. Explain that a summary is a brief overview of a text that includes the main events and themes.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of moral values and explain that these are ideas about what is right and wrong that are often presented in literature.
  • Give an example of a moral value, such as kindness or bravery, and use a short passage from Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird to illustrate how to summarize a text.
  • Using the handout provided, demonstrate how to structure a summary by highlighting the main events and themes.
  • Explain that it is important to include all of the important details and leave out any unnecessary information.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a copy of Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird.
  • Have the groups work together to summarize the text using the structure demonstrated in the handout.
  • Have the groups present their summaries to the class and discuss any differences or areas of confusion.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a moral value from Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird that they find particularly interesting or important.
  • Have students write a short essay analyzing the significance of this moral value in the context of the novel. Students should consider the character(s) who demonstrate(s) this moral value, the context in which it is demonstrated, and its impact on the story.


  • As a class, review the list of moral values explored in To Kill a Mockingbird and discuss which ones were most significant or surprising to the students.
  • Ask students to share any insights or thoughts they had about the moral values explored in the novel.


  • Students will be assessed based on their participation in class discussions, their completed independent practice project, and their participation in the class discussion during the closure portion of the lesson.

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